Friday, December 28, 2007

Web Scripting with Twill (I wish I had this when I used to do WebApp Assessments)

A few weeks ago I thought I had the need to script (for the life of my I can't remember why I wanted to do this, I should have blogged on it) Firefox. Well I didn't any Python or Ruby tools for taking control of the browser (I remember seeing how to do this with Python and IE a loooong time ago) but tonight I ran across Twill which looks pretty cool and I assume uses the cmd module

mfranz@gutsy61:~$ twill-sh

-= Welcome to twill! =-

current page: *empty page*

>> go
==> at
current page:
>> showforms

Form #1
## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________
1 action hidden (None) fullsearch
2 context hidden (None) 180

3 value text searchinput
4 1 titlesearch submit titlesearch Titles
5 2 fullsearch submit fullsearch Text

Form #2
## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________
1 action select (None) ['raw'] of ['raw', 'print', 'refresh ...
2 1 None submit (None) Do

Form #3
## ## __Name__________________ __Type___ __ID________ __Value__________________
1 action select (None) ['raw'] of ['raw', 'print', 'refresh ...
2 1 None submit (None) Do

current page:
>> help

Undocumented commands:
add_auth fa info save_html title
add_extra_header find load_cookies setglobal url
agent follow notfind setlocal
back formaction redirect_error show
clear_cookies formclear redirect_output show_cookies
clear_extra_headers formfile reload show_extra_headers
code formvalue reset_browser showforms
config fv reset_error showhistory
debug get_browser reset_output showlinks
echo getinput run sleep
exit getpassword runfile submit
extend_with go save_cookies tidy_ok

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